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First Sunday in the Month
To realise this vision, we will:
Glorify Christ through worship; Know Christ through devotion; Grow in Christ through service; and Proclaim Christ through witness We seek both to know Christ personally, progressively and passionately and to make Him known to those in our community and the wider world. We aim to bring glory to God. |
Welcome to Banchory Christian Fellowship Church
and thank you for taking time to visit our website.
This season of Coronavirus lockdown has brought much of ordinary life to a standstill. In some ways that is also the case for us: we are not able to gather together, and our church building lies empty. And yet the mission of the church has not been suspended, not even in lockdown. Jesus Christ has called his church to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20), and we continue to put our energies into serving that great goal.
We are committed to hearing from God through his word, the Bible. As he speaks to us we respond together, as the community of God’s people, in faith, in worship and in service to one another. Some of that has been made harder at this time, but perhaps the easiest way to connect is to watch our live-streamed service on Sunday mornings (11am). There are also small groups, which meet via Zoom through the week – these have been so valuable for ongoing encouragement and support, and are open to all.
You will find lots of information about our church and all the information you need for accessing our online meetings here on our website, as well as further ways to learn more about Jesus Christ.
If you have any questions, or if we can support you in some way through this pandemic, please do get in touch. We would be delighted to hear from you. |
Every blessing
Duncan Ryan, Pastor
Duncan Ryan, Pastor