Please remember to book your place and come along to a service at church!
Our services also continue to be broadcast live.
Please visit our 'What's On' page or tap/click the buttons below to reserve places at a service, to find our more about our Covid-19 safety arrangements or to view a live or recorded service.
Please remember to book your place and come along to a service at church!
Our services also continue to be broadcast live.
Please visit our 'What's On' page or tap/click the buttons below to reserve places at a service, to find our more about our Covid-19 safety arrangements or to view a live or recorded service.
Coronavirus Update
We are very thankful that churches are now able to meet again in person for worship and prayer, albeit with rules we need to follow and may well change over time. These rules currently include for example, a maximum of 50 people attending a service, managed access and exit arrangements, social distancing and personal hygiene measures along with arrangements to support the Scottish Government’s Test and Protect programme.
Please read on to learn about our Covid-19 safety measures, what to expect when coming along to church and to reserve place(s) at Sunday 11am Worship and our Monthly Prayer Meeting. |
Things you need to know BEFORE attending church
Things you need to do
- Anyone with Covid19 or who has symptoms associated with Covid19 illness is not allowed onsite.
- Anyone who is self-isolating because they are living with someone who is displaying symptoms, or anyone who is self-isolating as a result of contact tracing is also not allowed on site.
- Anyone becoming unwell with symptoms of Covid19 in the church building is to inform a duty steward, go home immediately and follow NHS guidance.
- You are encouraged to follow current advice on ‘How to Travel Safely’ to get to and from church and, if travelling by car to park considerately to allow for social distancing when you and others are exiting or accessing vehicles.
- Congregational singing is not allowed although we can have a solo vocalist singing behind a screen.
- Playing of wind instruments is not allowed.
- Cash or cheque gifts to church may be made via the box in the sanctuary until bag collections can recommence.
Things you need to do
- Reserve your place at worship/prayer via Eventbrite. If you are unable to do this, please contact the Church Office by email or phone (01330 820791) and a place will be reserved on your behalf.
- Bookings will open for Sunday Worship from 10 days before the service date. Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate the entire congregation within current government limits. To help ensure everyone in the congregation has the opportunity to attend church at least once a fortnight, please delay making your next reservation(s) until midweek immediately following your Sunday attendance at church.
- Please arrive earlier than usual as it may take longer to enter church and be seated.
- Please arrive with time to spare before the start of a service or prayer meeting as we want to be able to admit folk to church who just 'turn up' because, for example, they are visitors and unaware of our booking system. We may therefore reallocate booked seats.
- Wear a face covering when attending church (unless an exemption applies e.g. you have a health condition or are disabled. (For full details please see Face Covering Exemptions).
- Use the floor markings to help you move into and out of church at a safe distance from others.
- Sanitise your hands on entry to and exit from the building (sanitiser provided).
- Register your attendance including arrival and departure time from church (we'll already have your contact details if you have reserved a place).
- Bring your own water etc to services and prayer meetings, if needed.
- Follow the steward's advice on where to sit.
- Leave your seat when directed so that departure is managed and leave the building promptly.
Creating a safe environment
- Using the Scottish Government's published regulations - along with lots of other relevant resources - we have completed a risk assessment to help us create an environment where everyone who is able to come into our church premises feels safe. This involves compliance with health and hygiene protocols, including asking people to wear face coverings (unless exempted) and registering their attendance, cleaning and sanitising, and asking people to leave promptly and safely at the end of the prayer meeting or service.
- The maximum number of people who can meet for congregational worship or prayer is 50 (including children, speakers, stewards, AV support etc). This is the maximum number for all churches.
- We are using Eventbrite for you to reserve your place at church. Once all available places are reserved, a waiting list opens. Unfortunately 'walk-ins' are discouraged at this time.
- Social distancing of 2m by adults and secondary aged children is also required and is achievable in our building. Floor markings and stewards will help to manage the through-flow of people into and out of church.
- Some parts of the building have been temporarily closed to help us manage safety including the kitchen (except for access to first aid provisions and supporting communion services or Junior Church), sports hall, coat hanging area and creche.
- We have reduced access to WC facilities to one person or household group at a time to maintain social distancing.
- Posters are displayed in our building to remind us of things we need to do and stewards will be available to help.
- We'll sanitise frequently touched surfaces after events and leave 72 hours between each use of the sanctuary and other spaces.
What the monthly prayer meeting will be like
Church will feel very different when we meet together for prayer because of the social distancing, but we will get used to that. Notwithstanding the necessary restrictions, our meetings are rich in fellowship and blessing. It is good to meet together.
Everyone will be shown to a seat so that we accommodate everyone whilst maintaining distance.
Face coverings need to remain (unless exempt or leading prayer).
Prayers will be said without the use of microphones or other audio-visual aids - so please speak up!
Plans for restarting services and other activities
Our 11.00am Sunday service will take place with a congregation at Church from Sunday 4 October 2020 and also continue to be broadcast live via YouTube. It's hoped that Junior Church will also be available at church and run alongside this worship. Details will be published as soon as possible.
Small groups and other church groups continue to meet on Zoom.
Church will feel very different when we meet together for prayer because of the social distancing, but we will get used to that. Notwithstanding the necessary restrictions, our meetings are rich in fellowship and blessing. It is good to meet together.
Everyone will be shown to a seat so that we accommodate everyone whilst maintaining distance.
Face coverings need to remain (unless exempt or leading prayer).
Prayers will be said without the use of microphones or other audio-visual aids - so please speak up!
Plans for restarting services and other activities
Our 11.00am Sunday service will take place with a congregation at Church from Sunday 4 October 2020 and also continue to be broadcast live via YouTube. It's hoped that Junior Church will also be available at church and run alongside this worship. Details will be published as soon as possible.
Small groups and other church groups continue to meet on Zoom.
Loving one another
With every step we take out of lockdown, we continue to remember with loving care others in the church family.
We need to be particularly mindful of those who feel unable to come to church in person. We are part of a loving church family, whether we are meeting in person or on Zoom.
And we need to be loving towards everyone.
With every step we take out of lockdown, we continue to remember with loving care others in the church family.
We need to be particularly mindful of those who feel unable to come to church in person. We are part of a loving church family, whether we are meeting in person or on Zoom.
And we need to be loving towards everyone.